Hi guys, I know that is a subject that affect all of us, but no one can make this a whole big drama like the latins, and if the latins in question are also gay, expect over the top scenes only seen in the most flamboyant Mexican soap operas!
In my life I had my share of Jealousy and betrayal and ive been in both sides of the coin like everybody else ( even that are just few with the courage to admit it ) Im basically a faithful person, but not in the straight hypocrite sense of the word, but in my commitment to the relation, and that doesn’t mean not follow in temptation or commit a mistake, because don’t fool yourself those things are part of the packet that comes in a relationship, and that will happen as quick as the first months or after years of relationship and that is a fact, what you gonna do with the situation is what make some relationship works for years and other don’t!
Don´t get me wrong, im not here saying in favour of fucking around when you are in a monogamist relationship, but something much harder to do than being faithful, is being honest and that should begin from the very start because (believe me) straight things up after all the rules has been broken is much harder and always set to failed!
After that experience I decided never fall in love again (like we actually can have control of that! Lol)
I start a relationship with a adorable guy that loved me and who I treated like a idiot, after all he was always around me like a pet and this way I treated him, we broke up but I couldn’t understand why he was so hurt by me, it took few months for us accidentally meet and I finally understand what I did, he was sad skinny and extremely frail, I was officially a monster, that was the starting point when I think I really start to growing up, understanding the cause and effect theory and promised myself never use anyone emotions for my amusement!
Exactly like when you married and even that you love your fiancé you still need to be sure that all the money of both gained before the weeding continuing being their own and whatever make after it will be shared in case of divorce, yeah it sucks having butterflies in your stomach and still need to think in the worse, but unfortunately it will happen at least once and that is not bad even that may looks, time and experience doesn’t make you love less, but teach you to stand up fast enough to not damage yourself more than is necessary!
But like I said, is living that we learn, in my life I let my group of friends(?) convince me that my bf betrayed me with his ex-bf that I was already jealous, what I did ? I made the situation even worse sleeping with his best friend and then telling him, in the end of the story I never really knew if he really slept with his ex but he knew about me (I was just 20 but I already knew that if he didn’t hear from me he would end up hearing from someone else) I was totally crazy for the guy and totally fuck up, I didn’t know that patience is a virtue and if you are smart enough is not that difficult catch someone on a lie, think first react later!
I had short and longer relationships after that, where I was betrayed with no doubt of the act, and in some I was so educational in my reaction that I got a confession and I accept the apologies and in other they decide continue to lying and I decide give another chance thinking that may be one time only adventure.( but normally is not )

Between relationships I discover that shagging around was not so bad as my earlier romantic mind thought, but i could never do that during relationships, I think both life’s are great, but I try always be extremely honest with who I sleep with, if is just one night stand I always let the person knows exactly where I stands, if someone is going to break the hot naïve guy’s heart just for a shag is not gonna be me because I don’t want to be forever in someone´s memories as a horny selfish prick.
More I live more I realise how we are connected with absolutely everything and doesn’t matter how you through the shit in the fan it will always end up back in your face, sometimes takes years but it will back that you can be sure.
Relationships should be discuss in the very beginning, because your boundaries may not be the same of your partner and that is nothing wrong in being naughty and have a adventure with or without your partner as long this is in the couple list of allows, who cares what society and family would say, being gay is already a change of tradition and copy a straight model in relationship it won’t make us look better in the picture anyway, what is import is what your partner thinks and fells, so let the dirty attitude on the bed and play clean your sexuality, that’s is nothing hot about fucking with somebody’s mind !
All images in this blog were caught in internet and then manipulated in the computer by myself to serve as illustration of my post.