New resolutions are like little prayers, but instead to ask for god your do with yourself, but exactly like god sometimes our wishes are not answered and we blame anything or anyone accept ourselves.

All start at Christmas time, when we wish to get that present, when everybody start to look under effect of some chemical drug that makes everybody smiley and generous, including the people that snob your through the whole year!

I would love to be able to say that all those “honey” and “Sweetheart” that we hear on those festive times are a British thing as the are well know for no always mean all those thank yous and cheers, but Christmas fell on people everywhere, so if you boss used to fuck you up with a face, he will still do it but with chocolates and a weird smile in their faces.
Ho Ho Ho here we going again, like a break from reality everybody from nowhere become happy and freakish nice, and in some point in our brains we believe that all that is real, like in a Disney movie the season chuck it out all the bad feelings and we were all happy ever after ( at least until the boxing day )
Trough a month of excess, we normally start the new year fat, broke and moody all over again and your boss is finally back to his truly self, means : a asshole.
As I was never a religious person Christmas was never more than a holiday break, and let’s face it, who is the big star of Christmas? yeah Santa Claus, ops I meant Jesus or I may wrong ?

I was never a believer of dates to do things that should be spontaneous, i like to give presents independent of birthdays and I definitely find a way to participate of those rituals in a more exclusive way ( or at least I think I do )

Anytime in the year is the time to be gentle with the others, anytime of the year could be the day of your new resolutions, anything can be change for the better in any time of the year and waiting for a special date to do those things you know you should do it is just silly doesn’t matter if you are a devoted Christian or a shopaholic, prayers or money it won’t change your core, it can help you get there, but in the end will only happen if you change yourself instead of looking for a exterior force to do so.
So what about spread through the year those 250 Christmas hot chocolates with cream giving yourself a weekly treat while you still fit in your trousers. What about buy something you saw March in a store window that is so your mother’s style that probably will not be there anymore in her birthday or Christmas time.

I may come across anti-social, but if you are one of those people that passed by me during the whole year without saying Hi ,so please don’t stop during the festive times, because for me GOOD WILL is something that you have and can’t be purchase or topped with sugar to disguise their original bitter flavour.
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