Im really sorry if you are a devoted Christian ,but I need to tell ,Christianity is one of the worse things even happen to the human race ,the believe o a external power became the greatest excuse for men not to deal rationally with whatever happen that was different than their narrow knowledge about what is right. But like everything in the world the problem is not the religion but those you practise it.
Coming from a Christian country I grew up with two major influences, the church and a very popular religion in Brazil called Umbanda and Candomble, originally from Africa and brought there through the slaves in the Portuguese exploration and kept alive through generations hidden from the society catholic eye and openly practised after the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
Both religion has completely different approach about what is right or wrong, as the Christian believes your soul belongs to the body and after you die you only come back in the judgment day blab bla bla, the other one believes that after death you back on earth in a different body and in different circumstances in a way to learn and become a more in lighted spirit .
I kind of took bits and pieces of both trying in my head build a belief on something, because none of the two options was according with my views of what is right, and my many paranormal experiences forced my to believe that is something out there but my six sense was telling me that religion was not the right foot to understand spirituality and the reason of our existence.
Since in came to live abroad I had another chance to check upon different believes and religions and I got very interested in one, the Buddhism, at least was the closest I got from all my own believes in just one religion, especially because instead of you be praying for a external force comes and interfere in your life, you actually praying to give you the strength to do it yourself.
They believe in the most basic natural principle that for some reason humanity tend to go against: action = reaction, that all our decisions promote reactions that it will be back to us.
But exactly like in the catholic church where people decided taken their own interpretation of the bible and follow some parts and forgot others in accordance of their own interests, so the same happen there ,and I start to notice that my Buddhists friends were not exactly following what the were so fervidly about it ,I started to got judged for not praying enough and every single thing on my life that wasn’t going right was because of my lack of prayer and time of my weekends not working for free in their weddings or communities services ( sorry if i need to do this i will go and help sick children or teach in poor communities ,if you need a waiter pay one )
So now my life wasn’t anymore dominated by the devil´s temptations, but The Karma! The funny thing was that I kept watching in front of me couples betraying each other ,friends taking advantage of situations using each other faith and people that were extremely selfish and not to mention a bit evil felling all heavenly and looking at me with arrogance just because they took long hours praying and were doing long free hours for the Buddhist community .
In another words they became exactly what made me run from the catholic church :
the hate for everything that not goes in accordance of their believes, the prejudice of anything different than them, the arrogance of think they are better than everybody else, the stupidly of believe without questioning, the cruelty of making others suffer in order to establish their believes and the last and very personal to me that is lie ,the ability of be hypocrite.
In my understanding religion is just a organisation that uses people minds and weakness to take control of a population own believes and brain wash them to believe in just one single rule and discriminate anything or anyone that thinks differently, but unfortunately that will always be set to fail ,the human being wasn’t created to be restrained ,not even Hittler could stop humanity to grow as they intend to be.
So if you don’t like blacks ,gays ,jews or the idea that maybe you should show some love for what you can see and interact instead of this hateful invisible god ,then bad for you because I don’t care about what gonna happen to me after I die and I don’t do good expecting rewards in the afterlife ,I do it because I care, and like a old gay slogan form the 70´s used to say (and apply to all minorities ) “We´re here ,we´re queer get used “
Steve Cavalcanti
Ps: Is understanding that all religions are beautiful and could be appreciated without human degradation, pain or suffering after all was not god who creates free will ? so we should respect that too !
so now watch this video relax and have a laugh :)
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