I first wanted to start this newblog talking about subjects that made me interested some for the sense of humor ,polemic aspects or just to let my message across ,for each subject I will do my research in order to bring not only my opinion but the most different aspects of the subject ,so you also can have a opinion on your own !
Today I was navigating in internet when I found a interesting image of a gay doll made on image of the homo erotic characters from Tom of Finland, when occurs me to investigate a bit about dolls for gays and why we should blame Barbie for this .(LOL)
First launched back in 1977 by Harvey Rosenberg ,gay bob was the first gay doll ever created. Bob was 13 inches tall,had blond hair ,a pierced ear and wore a flannel shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. Gay Bob was anatomically correct and was created as cross between Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
Bob’s box was shaped like a closet and it came with a catalog from where you could order additional clothing for your gay doll. It created quite a lot of controversy in a time when homosexuality was not as “popular” as it is today .

he handmade doll created by the New York-based Brazilian sculptor Fernando Carpaneda was inspired by both gay icons and most notorious homophobes in contemporary history.
The doll's body was based on the Russian writer and artist Slava Mogutin and was chosen by Carpaneda in "honor" of president Vladimir Putin who banned the recent Gay Pride Parade in Moscow.
The doll's face was inspired by Edino Fonseca, a notoriously homophobic Brazilian priest and politician who proposed using taxpayers' money to establish clinics to cure gay people from their homosexuality.The name Charlie is a tribute to the president of The Leslie Lohman Gay Art Foundation, Charles Leslie.
The doll is featured in four models: Skinhead Charlie, Priest Charlie, Arab Charlie and Jewish Charlie. Priest Charlie is dressed in a Gothic priest's robe, like the one used by Marcelo Rossi, a Brazilian Catholic icon. Arab & Jewish Charlie are made in tribute to the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the mass murderer of gay people in his country.
The doll is also dedicated to the Pope, one of the most homophobic religious leaders in history. Charlie the Gay Doll comes with two penis options: uncircumcised flaccid or erect. The doll's penis was based on the artist's own. These are unique sculptures signed by the artist. Charlie is 12 inches tall with tattoos and is being sold at The Leslie/Lohman Gay Art Foundation for $300 dollars (USD).

And for those who think that a gay doll is a perversion from the innocent toy named Barbie here is the true, the man who designed Barbie and Ken was a kinky swinger with ‘a manic need for sexual gratification,’ according to an explosive new book.
Jack Ryan, whose wives included Hollywood actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, surrounded himself with busty ‘Barbie’ clones and threw wild orgies at his luxurious Bel-Air, California mansion.
Ryan, who died in 1991 aged 65, designed toys like Barbie and Ken, Hot Wheels and the Chatty Cathy talking doll during his years as a top executive for Mattel.
Ryan, who died in 1991 aged 65, designed toys like Barbie and Ken, Hot Wheels and the Chatty Cathy talking doll during his years as a top executive for Mattel.
But author Jerry Openheimer claims Ryan had a seamy side that sullies the carefully protected image of his best-known creation.
In ‘Toy Monster: The Big, Bad World of Mattel’, Oppenheimer says that Yale University-educated Ryan was a ‘full blown seventies-style swinger’ who patronised ‘high class call girls to streetwalkers’ in his quest for excitement.
Five times married Ryan also indulged in wife-swapping, claims the book.
Even more disturbingly, Ryan’s kinky motivations played a part in his design of the world’s favourite doll.
‘When Jack talked about creating Barbie it was like listening to somebody talk about a sexual episode, almost like listening to a sexual pervert,’ Ryan’s friend, Stephen Gnass told the author.
In ‘Toy Monster: The Big, Bad World of Mattel’, Oppenheimer says that Yale University-educated Ryan was a ‘full blown seventies-style swinger’ who patronised ‘high class call girls to streetwalkers’ in his quest for excitement.
Five times married Ryan also indulged in wife-swapping, claims the book.
Even more disturbingly, Ryan’s kinky motivations played a part in his design of the world’s favourite doll.
‘When Jack talked about creating Barbie it was like listening to somebody talk about a sexual episode, almost like listening to a sexual pervert,’ Ryan’s friend, Stephen Gnass told the author.
Gwen Florea, who was the voice of Barbie in a line of talking dolls, said: ‘He once said to me he loved me being so tall so he could stick his nose in my boobs when he hugged me.'
Barbie - who is now more than 50 years old - and Ken were named after the children of Mattel founders Ruth and Elliot Handler.
Barbie - who is now more than 50 years old - and Ken were named after the children of Mattel founders Ruth and Elliot Handler.

Dark secret: Ken, seen here with Barbie, was reportedly based on a gay man who endured a lifetime of taunts for having the doll named after him But Oppenheimer said
the real life Ken was a closeted gay man who was diagnosed with AIDS before
his death in 1994 in New York’s Greenwich Village.
Oppenheimer said Ken Handler ‘grew up embarrassed and humiliated by having an anatomically incorrect boy doll named after him with no hint of genitalia.’
He was married with three children, but the book claims: ‘To all those who knew him, Ken Handler was a wonderful father, a loving husband – but there was another side to Ken.
And in 1990 he was formally diagnosed with AIDS.'His parents and wife were shocked.’
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