Sunday, 6 May 2012

I'm beautiful doesn't matter what they say

Few days ago there is this Freak show surround what the journalist Samantha Brick wrote about herself in a article,she said she was a lesbian ? That she enjoys be tired up ? Nooo, she just said that she is beautiful, so what is so shocking about it ? First of all it is the fact that she can say that out loud, and second is the fact that she is not actually beautiful, ohh a bit rash dont you think ? She also afirmed that other women are jelous of beautiful women, and strangenly enough was that statement that burst the tempers of the women nation.

Now,come on ? Even that beauty it is in the eye of the beer holder (lol) say you are beautiful is as much as a powerful and open for questioning statement than women dont like pretty women (dah) is one of those things that everybody knows but dont metion it, it is the elephant in the room.

I was raised surround by women in my my family and friends, and yeah women get insecure surround by beautiful women, in the same way that men get insecure when they see their partner looking to some six abs in magazines or at the gym, even the most beautiful person would have their insecurities moments and desire a more design abs or their mother's blue eyes, we are never satisfied with ourselves, what until surtain point is a very healphy thing, be better,faster,smarter is what motivate humanity to go forward,always searching for a better way to be yourselves.

Like the journalist said in her interview,she always notice how men approuch her in a different way ( Like the commandant of a flight send her Champagne and she said that not even surprise her because always happen ) and how jelousy even terminated some of her friendships,and the fact is that actually could be true, in my way of see things are two different kind of people you want to be sexually or romantically envolved, the pretty ones ( in my opinion are normally the ones that you just sleep with ) and the attractive ones ( and that means they can be pretty or not ) and normally are the ones that you want to continue to see after the first night of sex.

Her mistake for what conserns me is that she made the mistake of confuse the word “attractive” for “beautiful” because that word implict a perfection that just few of us have,and rarely you will see the ones that have it say that out loud, they don't need as there is a legion of people to say that for them.

Not even people there are perfect in our imagination aren't truly happy with themselves sometimes,and for the ones that end up dying searching for the ultimate beauty under the shadow of their own public perfection persona.

Was like that American Beauty Peagent Carrie Prejean saying that just straight couples have the right to marriage ,no offense ( like no offense makes everything better ) as someone that sometimes abuse of his right to be honest, I know perfectly when is the moment that I have been sassy or just cross the line and mad fool of myself, and it is a fine line there, say that you are beautiful is not much different than say that marriage is just for straights or homosexuals are all pedophiles,no ofense!!

I totally admire the courage of these women to say things like that without a shadow of embarassment in their faces,when you make a strong statement about yourself you automatically give the right to other people exame you searching for the true.

Years of datings, affairs and sexual interactions can obviously give you a good picture of how popular you are,so if you are attractive and go and say that you are ugly then you are also wrong and are just being needy of attention, I believe that a healfhy mind is the one that balance things out ,beauty is not only in the perfect chin or that amazing six pack, beauty and combination of different sychological prints as it is physical.

Confidence is beautiful, dose with a little of humbleness and you have a pretty good chance to not make fool of yourself or leave the room as the arrogant prejudice prick, but dont get me wrong you got all the right and deserve feel beautiful, say that to your dog, to your reflection and even to your mother ( she probably will agree ) just dont say that in front of the nation and get surprise by the backlash, or better saying, if angelina and Brad haven't done it yet it probably won't work for you, so wake up Cindy(rela) .

And her interview after the public backlash :  

"If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty."
Marilyn Monroe

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