As a foreigner in this country but also with my share of British blood through my father's family, the British culture and history were always interesting for me in a more curious way that a a way of life. As a person with my eye on the future and in everything that may be the next big thing, im not the person that you may think has any interest on the old, but i think for we totally appreciate and understand our modern days you should look in the past, you should try to understand how we get here.
Watching the Tv Special, we were able to see never seen footage of the Queen in her young years, showing private recordings of the family in holidays away from the public eye, and is funny and obvious they are all humans, but was kind of refreshing see that indoors they were capable of the same silliness and demonstration of bond that we all share with our family and friends.What made me consider that maybe the Queen also poo like the rest of us. (lol)
Won't be honest if i don't say that part of the allure of the Royal Family kind of died when Diana died, in my eyes she was the person tha brought the Royal Family to the 21th century, she gave the Royals a more fun but also more human ( and dysfunctional ) image.She dyed her hair, she brought high fashion to Buckingham Palace and taught her kids how to relate to other people,but also learned that you can't manipulate the Media as you wish and show the world the dirty under the Royal Family carpet.
But through history you learn that much before Diana, there were other Royals that were born to be Wild ( the same of being normal for us ) the king Edward VIII who abdicated of his throne for the American Wallis Warfield Simpson a divorcee in 1936, in 1950 Princess Margaret wasn't allow to marry Peter Townsend because he was a divorcee ( twenty and three years later she would become a divorcee herself ) she died alone at the age of 71 in 2002, Margaret blamed the queen's private secretary, Sir Alan Lascelles, for the campaign against the match, and never forgave him and was seen openly saying as he passed by : " There goes the man who ruined my life ".
And of course the most infamous one, that was Charles and his long lasting love Camilla Parker Bowles, we all should give him a chance to be finally with the woman that his heart choose much earlier than Diana, his crime was just try to do what a future king suppose to do ( whatever actually that is ) but even arranged royal marriages will crumble if this is absolutely nothing there to start with, and having dated Diana older sister in the past, they just picked the most appropriate one ,she was chosen like a Breeding horse.

Steve Cavalcanti
Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.Elizabeth II
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